Disposal Help: What can you dispose?

Needles and Pens

Syringe needles and pen needles are an less common way of giving medications. They are the most important to properly dispose of due to their dangerous nature.

Handback strongly recommends  a sharps container only. Needles. can quickly become dangerous any other way.

Liquid Medications

Liquid medications can be very common for over the counter remedies like colds and coughs.

Handback Recommends either a small or large shipping box.

Pills and Capsules

Pills and capsules are a common medication given. These are taken via the mouth. They can come in dissolvable plastic material or a gel like material for easy digesting. Disposing of pills and capsules would best be done dissolving.

Handback Recommends either a large or small shipping box to help you. Handback also recommends a DisposeRx Dissolve Kit.


Tablets are a common medication that is take via mouth. Disposing of them would be best done via a dissolve solution.

Handback Recommends either a small box or the DisposeRx Dissolve kit to help you properly dispose of any medications.